Looking for PLANTS or PRODUCE?
Visit the "PLANTS" tab above to see what plants we offer. Details on this seasons fruit, vegetable, and mushroom offerings will be coming soon.
Find us at:
@ Court Square, Downtown Greenfield, MA
Every Saturday
8am to 12:30pm
@ Cyr Arena in Forest Park, Springfield, MA
Every Tuesday
Greenfield Winter Farmers' Market
@Four Corners School, 21 Ferrante Ave, Greenfield, MA
First Saturdays Nov-March with an extra market the Saturdays before Thanksgiving and Christmas
10am to 1pm
Forest Park Winter Farmers' Market
@ The Monkey House in Forest Park
Enter the park from Trafton St., building is the second on the left.
Second and Fourth Saturday of each month, Nov-April
For wholesale purchases or for on-farm pickup, please contact me at rainbowharvestfarm@gmail.com